2024-04-11 08:35:08

Open for peering!

How to peer with me

AutoPeer System

Location Peer ipv4 ipv6
Las Vegas AutoPeer ✔️ ✔️

Looking glass: https://dn42.moe233.net


Please offer the following information:

  • Node to peer:
  • DN42 ASN:
  • Public IP/Domain name:
  • Port: (Maybe you want to use 20253)
  • WG Public key:
  • Multiprotocol BGP session support: Yes/No ?
  • Extended next hop support: Yes/No ?
  • IPv4 tunnel IP: (this is not required if you support extended next hop)
  • IPv6 tunnel IP(link-local prefered):

I will use MP-BGP by default.
Currently only WireGuard is supported

Feel free to contact me:

My Info:

  • ASN: 4242420253
  • IPv4 prefix:
  • IPv6 prefix: fd05:4b:cce::/48
  • PGP fingerprint: D621 D485 17C6 A5EB 5125 12C6 1D20 9F54 50DA 6A84

You can find my public key on https://keys.openpgp.org/ via fingerprint or email [email protected]

Node: lv

Location: Las Vegas, NV, US

WG Publickey: C3SneO68SmagisYQ3wi5tYI2R9g5xedKkB56Y7rtPUo=
Endpoint: lv.dn42.moe233.net:<last 5 digits of your ASN>
Public IP: lv.dn42.moe233.net/
IPv6 Link-Local: fe80::253
DN42 IPv4:
DN42 IPv6: fd05:4b:cce::1

MP-BGP: Supported
Extended Next Hop: Supported

Deprecated nodes

Node: lu

Location: Luxembourg, EU

WG Publickey: El+oCsTKsDdAgpbW7DWAwjlhuuE/oNd9b6sIj0ykfhU=
Endpoint: lu.dn42.moe233.net:<last 5 digits of your ASN>
Public IP: lu.dn42.moe233.net/
IPv6 Link-Local: fe80::253
DN42 IPv4:
DN42 IPv6: fd05:4b:cce::5

MP-BGP: Supported
Extended Next Hop: Supported

Node: sg1

It may restart in the future?
Peer configs were backuped

Location: Singapore

WG Publickey: beaS4l4XBT4eSZBLJcu/u6fbm0mRk0TfuSLkMp8jOkY=
Endpoint: sg1.dn42.moe233.net:<last 5 digits of your ASN>
Public IP: sg1.dn42.moe233.net/
IPv6 Link-Local: fe80::253
DN42 IPv4:
DN42 IPv6: fd05:4b:cce::2

MP-BGP: Supported
Extended Next Hop: Supported

Node: nyc

Location: New York, NY, US

WG Publickey: UYQj84S719Fz+OKtf+1FbUxHbpI8NTHvYnsTXP+tr2s=
Endpoint: nyc.dn42.moe233.net:<last 5 digits of your ASN>
Public IP: nyc.dn42.moe233.net/
IPv6 Link-Local: fe80::253
DN42 IPv4:
DN42 IPv6: fd05:4b:cce::4

MP-BGP: Supported
Extended Next Hop: Supported

2024-04-11 08:35:08